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5 Easy Home Maintenance Tips for the Interior of Your Home

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Is Your Home Ready for Summer? Here Are 5 Easy Home Maintenance Tips for the Interior of Your Home

With every new season comes new opportunities to refresh and care for your home! As the summer heat waves drift into the Sacramento valley, this transition is a perfect time to inspect various areas in your home. While many people headed outdoors to enjoy the sunshine, others will enjoy relaxing in the cool comfort of their home.

So, whether it’s changing old light bulbs or replacing batteries in your smoke detector, mark out some time in your schedule for some simple maintenance tasks and prepare your home for the summer season!

If you are unsure of what to inspect inside your home, here are 5 easy maintenance tips to help you get started!

1) Replace AC Filters

If you are fortunate enough to have AC in your home, be sure to clean it out. If you plan to use your AC regularly during the summer months, it is recommended to be cleaned out every two weeks. Depending on the type of AC you have, your cleaning methods will differ. For some AC units, you can simply clean off any dust with warm water or using a vacuum cleaner. Homeowners with more updated AC units and technology could have self-cleaning functions that save you the work and time.

2) Reverse Ceiling Fans

Did you know that your ceiling fan can spin counter-clockwise? Well, if you didn’t know before, now you do! During the summer months, it is highly recommended that you reverse your ceiling fan to keep your space nice and cool. By doing this, it pushes the air straight down, creating a refreshing breeze. First, make sure your fan is turned off then grab a chair or ladder to reach the fan, locate the switch and flip it. After you have situated your fan, you could also clean off any excess dust on your fan.

3) Test Smoke Detectors

The summer season means summer heat! Take some time to check and test your smoke detectors. If you notice one is not working properly, make sure to add in some new batteries. Summer heat also brings heat advisory and increased risk of fires, so taking the time to do a quick test on your smoke detectors is a great way to make sure your home is prepared for any case of emergency.

4) Clean Your Fireplace/Furnace

Does your home have a fireplace or furnace? Well, this is the perfect time to clean it! Similar to your AC unit, your furnace most likely has a filter depending on the model type. If you’ve been noticing dust particles spreading in your home, you should consider cleaning out your fireplace/furnace. Be sure to check the type of fireplace/furnace model that you have in your home for the proper instructions on how to remove any necessary panels to replace filters. You can also hire a cleaning service to check out your fireplace for a safe clean.

5) Check Your Attic/Basement

Attics and basements can be really neat spaces in some homes or rarely used on others. However, it is always a good idea to inspect your attic and basement spaces very thoroughly at least once a year. As you take the time to inspect, look carefully for any signs of water leakage, pests or termites, mold or mildew and cracks or holes in the walls. When you take the time to examine these parts of your home, you are able to notice any possible damage early on and save time and money down the line.

For residents and homeowners in the Sacramento region in need of home remodels or repairs, Good Life Construction is ready to assist you! At Good Life Construction, we value each of our customers and strive to bring a safe and comfortable home for you and your family all year long. If you would like to learn more details about our services or for more maintenance tips and tricks, visit our website at or schedule a consultation today by giving us a call at (916) 884-6132.

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